
What does retirement mean to you? For some it’s traveling the world, for others it’s spending time with grandchildren. No matter what your dreams are retirement was meant to be enjoyed. Unfortunately financial stress can quickly ruin what should be the greatest time of your life.

Many people do not adequately prepare financially for retirement. During your working years when you become used to a steady paycheck it can become easy to put off saving for retirement feeling that income will be there for the rest of your life.

Often during retirement one finds a great deal of stress from not having a steady income. Once retired an individual becomes dependent on the assets they saved during their working years. These assets are often placed in the stock market where they become subject negative returns. This in turn can cause stress which may lead a person to make poor financial decisions.

At Southbound Financial ,through the use of properly designed investments, we are able to provide our clients with a dependable income they will not be able to outlive. This income can put one at ease as they no longer have to feel dependent solely on the performance of the stock market for their security. This income also allows an individual to keep investments in the stock market as they are able to ride out a bear market.